domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

Mobile phone antenna masts

antenna right next to the schools

One of the most "recent" (1999 to the present) fights has been to have mobile phone antenna masts removed from near houses and other "sensitive areas" and re-located at a minimum of 500 metres from homes, public areas, etc.

The following information has been taken from a US publication:

EMF expert Stan Hartman in Boulder, CO says:

“From my perspective, comparing the “safest” cell phones is like comparing the “safest” cigarettes. None of them are safe, and these kinds of comparisons only serve to whitewash how irresponsible and inexcusable the whole technology is.

Using the word ‘safer’ to apply to any brand just encourages peoples’ denial of the fact that all cell phones are a health menace from which we have hardy begun to see the consequences.”

(read the complete article at )

One may choose to use a cell phone but what do you do if you decide not to for health or any other reasons, and right across the street from your home they install a mast?

Our local authorities are of the opinion that electromagnetic waves are not harmful and that those people who are ill (and coincidently all located near antennas) are hypochondriac or psychosomatically ill.

We feel otherwise: if so many people are falling ill with certain similar symptoms (cancer, high blood pressure, migraines.....) and all within 100 metres of a mobile phone mast, something is wrong and if the European Union has mandated a minimum distance from "sensitive areas" such as schools, hospitals, parks, etc., they are aware of a health risk that the Spanish authorities are trying to ignore or cover up.

For ten years now we have been trying to have the mast right next to two schools, the secondary school, the health centre, the church square and Pino Seco park. removed. Spanish Law states that masts may not be installed at less than 100 metres from sensitive areas and this mast is in incompliance with all the above. Our council has ignored our petitions and we are presently in court. How long it will take to be heard and a sentence to be published and appealed is unknown but meanwhile, if this concerns you, please contact us and if you ahve a child in any of the 3 schools, contact your APA (Parents' Association).

We will enlarge this information as time permits.

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